Save the life of those
who give it.

Our mission

Our mission is to treat and control postpartum abnormal uterine bleeding and hemorrhage through the ILITEE innovative device.

Postpartum Hemorrhage



Cause of maternal mortality world-wide. 


Number of women experiencing PPH each year.


Responsible for 25% of all maternal deaths.


Number of annual deaths worldwide.

(1) WHO postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) summit, HRP Project Brief, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research, September 2022
(2) Hawker, L., Weeks, A. Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) rates in randomized trials of PPH prophylactic interventions and the effect of underlying participant PPH risk: a meta-analysis. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 20, 107 (2020).


Postpartum Hemorrhage

Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH) is defined as a blood loss of 500mL or more, and severe PPH as a blood loss of 1000mL or more, within 24 hours of birth. Severe PPH affects approximately 2% of all women who give birth.

According to the WHO, PPH is the leading cause of death that occurs on the day of birth. The majority of these could be prevented with prompt and appropriate management. In addition to death, serious maternal morbidity and post-traumatic psychological sequelae may follow PPH.

Arteries that fed the placenta are broken.

Physiological Solution

After delivery, when the placenta separates from the uterine wall, open blood vessels result in bleeding. Usually, to prevent bleeding, the uterus naturally contracts to “strangle” these arteries. However, when the uterus is not able to contract naturally, the arteries continue to bleed : this is uterine atony, the most common cause of PPH (80%).

ILITEE creates a negative pressure with vacuum to stimulate and amplify physiologic contractions of the uterus. And it works beautifully.

Arteries strangled by muscular fibers to naturally stop bleeding.

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